PHOTOGRAPHY: Ugo Woatzi’s “Chameleon” Series Explores the Dualities of Queer Existence.
French photographer Ugo Woatzi’s ongoing photographic series Chameleon is an exploration of all the “in between” experiences queer people navigate.
“Chameleon is a photographic series about hiding and revealing. This duality becomes a metaphor of the little lizard that hides itself in plain sight. It is a narrative exploring masculinities and spaces beside the heteronormative structure. The still frame evokes the love, hope and fear of people who exist outside these constructs that can be suffocating. I create my images through evocations of the personal and collective experiences of my community,” says the photographer in LensCulture.
“His concealment of faces and identities evoke the sense of fear, censorship and stifling experienced by queer communities across the globe. Ugo invites us to consider and celebrate a range of masculinities, performative bodies, psyches, and experiences; exploring the idea of ‘visibility’ as one fraught with both fear and excitement,” writes Michelle Harris on the Woatzi’s official website.